My Wellness Journey
My wellness journey began in 2011, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. It took three surgeries to eliminate the cancer, followed by two more reconstructive surgeries with breast implants. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I learned everything I could about using nutrition and lifestyle choices to heal any remaining cancer cells the surgeries could not remove.
In 2013, I underwent the second stage of reconstruction with the implantation of breast implants. The first hospitalization for an autoimmune event was a few months post-implantation. My body bounced back; I continued my journey to prevent reoccurrence and improve my health by educating myself and assessing and reevaluating a treatment plan I developed myself. I did well until late 2014, when I noticed subtle signs of worsening health. In 2015, the lung issues started, and I was sick with colds frequently. In 2016, I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis and asthma.
In 2017, I nearly died due to respiratory complications on numerous occasions, and experienced rapid airway closures frequently. I started to gain weight. I also experienced worsening muscle and joint pain, my hair began falling out, increased fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and brain fog started.
In 2019, I developed worsening of all the above symptoms, plus rashes, my periods stopped, and my lymph nodes began to enlarge and became painful. I decided to explant after discovering there were thousands of women ill on support groups online with the same symptoms that I was experiencing. On August 22, 2019, I explanted the breast implants and decided I would not undergo any more reconstruction. I am flat/concave post-explant. For two and a half weeks post-operative, nearly all my symptoms resolved. At five weeks post-operative, my body began to detox on its own, and I began to worsen again. It has been persistence, resilience, education, and enlisting functional help when I needed it that is helping me heal.
I have come so far with healing since I explanted. Most breast implant illness symptoms are now resolved. My journey to regain wellness is not over because I developed a condition called mast cell activation syndrome with dysautonomia, and I continue to work on healing fully. No one can heal alone!
Why am I qualified to help you?
· I have been a nurse for over 30 years.
· I hold a master’s degree in nursing with an emphasis in education.
· I worked as a diabetes educator. While in this role, I developed a functional case management model to manage diabetes, and later developed a reversal model independently for type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. I would be happy to show you my stats, just ask!
· I am a certified functional nutrition counselor.
· I live with chronic autoimmune disease. I know what you experience, and I believe you.
I specialize in working with adults with breast implant illness, diabetes, prediabetes, and autoimmune conditions, but I can also coach you to better health in general.
If you have questions, please reach out. I look forward to supporting you on your journey to improved health!