Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)/Poisoned
/Sometimes this is how the body feels…
03/09/22-Started DNRS online tonight. I have always tried to be mindful about separating illness, and not owning it as part of me, because I have done a lot of research on neuroplasticity working with chronic pain patients. This is one of the things DNRS discusses. I did notice I was owning the symptoms as part of me and somewhat defining me more than I thought I was after doing the exercises. When someone would ask me how I was, I would always respond in relation to the MCAS symptoms or health-related responses. No wonder my brain was changing! I will no longer own symptoms, instead replace the word symptoms with “challenges or it.” To be more concise for the blog, I will try to be creative as I can with this yet try to communicate clearly, but in a detached way. Wow, challenge is an understatement!
03/10/22-The anaphylactic clock starts over. Improving my current environment has proven to be a challenge. Every day is a fight through the day to clear the poisons with my wellness routine. The challenges are impacting my work. My employer (my FT job) is accommodating me to work from home for the next 3.5 mos, to help me achieve my goal. They have been good to me through all this. My husband is bringing the air cleaners from home; it will get better. I miss him and its hard to be away from him. I feel alone, like I cannot exist anywhere sometimes. Do you feel that way too? MCAS results in isolation that sneaks up on you. That is not a great way to feel. Tears….I feel like my body is impacted more again.